I would say that I am really disciplined keeping a regular exercise regime.
I was a dancer so that kind of discipline was instilled early on. I find that classes like Yoga, Pilates, and TRX are better for me then going to the gym. The hardest thing is showing up. Once you’re there, it’s easy.
After awhile it becomes a habit. I feel great afterwards and find my mind is clearer.
Sugar is my guilty pleasure and I need to cut down on that. The gadget I like is called a “Ma Back Roller” (shown at left), which fits on either side of your spine.
And Yoga Tune Up Balls are great for relieving built up tension in the neck area.
Rejection: Time (and Yoga) Does Heal
The rejection is tough. And self-doubt creeps in for sure.
As long as you don’t dwell on it too much, time does heal. I was blessed with an editor that believed in me. She kept me going.
Meditation and yoga are also a big help to me. I’ve read some great self-help books and use affirmations regularly. (Key to Yourself by Venice Bloodworth is one of my favorites).
My dog was always at my side as I wrote and a great audience as I’d read to her. Walking my dog does clear the mind and picking up after her definitely puts things in perspective.

I Want to be a Positive Voice for Kids
The darkest moment for me was a big rejection for something that I had been looking forward to.
I got past it knowing that my family and dog really loved me.
I want to be a positive voice for kids. There’s so much negativity out in the world now so I really wanted to convey a message of being true to yourself and following your dreams.
If a young person told me he/she wanted to become a writer, I’d say: Get busy writing, and be persistent. The world is waiting for your success.
* * *
Before writing children’s books, Terry John Barto directed and choreographed 200+ regional theater productions, industrials, television, and cruise ship shows throughout the United States and abroad. As creative director for Wings of Dreams Productions, he honed diverse ideas into compelling fiction family stories, wrote screenplays for animation features, and inspired a team of artists to develop dolls and action figures.
Terry John Barto lives in Los Angeles, California and enjoys Pilates, Yoga, and hiking with his dachshunds, Hunter and Mazie.
Nickerbacher, the Funniest Dragon: Nickerbacher is a very special dragon. He wants to make his family proud of him, but he doesn’t want to be like all the other dragons. He’s afraid to tell his papa that there are enough dragons to guard princesses.
What Nickerbacher wants more than anything in the world is to make people happy. He wants to be a comedian who makes people laugh, but his papa doesn’t seems to understand.
Even though his friends Princess Gwendolyn and Prince Happenstance think there’s something strange about a dragon who doesn’t want to guard princesses, they support his dream.
Will Nickerbacher abide by his dragonly duty or follow his dream of being a stand-up comedian?
Available at AuthorHouse and Amazon. Winner, Writer’s Digest Self-Published Awards 2016, Children’s Picture Books.
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