by Jackie Johansen
At its core, astrology is the study of nature.
We are nature. As within so without. As above so below.
Just as we know the moon affects the tides (and that we are also mostly water), our moods and physiology can be affected by the moon.
The other planets have this same effect on our experience here on Earth. For example, it’s a common experience for folks during Mercury retrograde to run into hiccups in their communication or with their electronics.
Overall, astrology is an archetypal language that’s been passed down from the ancients. It allows us to understand these energies and how they can affect our daily lives and sense of self.
Bringing Astrology Into My Work as a Writer
I started this work because it worked for me and I wanted to share it. I started off as a writer and copywriter and I naturally started looking at my own chart for guidance on how best to write, share my voice, and share my work.
Astrology was something that had been following me for most of my life, and I had been seriously studying over the years just for the fun of it.
As I brought astrology into my work as a writer, the experience was so fun and rich. And, I saw results. I started bringing it into my work with clients and folks seemed to get a lot out of it as well. Things started to grow from there.
I just love working with creatives because I feel the more expressed we become, the more we share our art, our heart, and our voices, we can make big beautiful change happen in the world.
The Natal Chart Helps Us Step Into Our Own Becoming
The natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the time of our birth. The ancients would say it’s our own “sliver of the divine mind.”
The natal chart gives us a glimpse of some of the archetypal energies, challenges, ways of being, and evolutionary intentions, we’re here to work with in this lifetime.
Of course, we always have free will. These themes and archetypal energies will come naturally into our experience, but it’s up to us to explore how we want to work with them.
I’ve found it can be such a gift exploring our natal charts consciously and actively getting curious about what’s there and what we can learn about ourselves. It’s such a beautiful tool we have access to as we step into our own becoming.
Also, our natal charts can be used really practically. This is especially useful for creatives. We can use astrology to get clear on how we naturally work, what creative practice might be nourishing to us, and hoe to go with the grain rather than against it.
For writers, looking at our Mercury placements provides a wealth of knowledge and gives us really good information on how to express ourselves with more ease and clarity.

How to Use Astrology to Support Ourselves as Creatives
The sun signs are such a fun place to start exploring how to use astrology to support us as creatives.
For Capricorns for example, they can struggle with having lots of creative juice, but can stop themselves short. They may struggle with self-doubt, with holding themselves back, or being overly critical. They may become impatient or struggle to figure out what next steps to take.
They may see others progressing faster then they are and wonder why it’s not happening for them. Patience is a virtue for Capricorns and they are being asked to trust in the magic that happens over time and with intention.
Being a creative is such a vulnerable act for anyone, and this can trigger Capricorn into retreat at times. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, they actually need solitary time. However, they need to be careful to not get paralyzed and to keep slowly, but surely, moving forward.
For Pisces for example, they are such dreamers and creatives at heart that they can get lost in the dreaming and struggle with the doing. When faced with the vulnerability of creating, they can get caught in procrastination, in planning and visioning. This is a beautiful part of the process, they just need to create small actional steps for themselves, as well as some structure around their visioning to help them keep moving towards their goals.
How Sun Signs Can Help Writers Find Their Strengths
Capricorns are such beautiful, powerful beings. I see them as also being misunderstood. Pop astrology may say they are all work and no play, but I don’t believe that to be true. I see them as so much more—and kids at heart at times.
As the water goat, they have the power to build, to scale what challenges are in front of them, while also diving into the deeper wisdom of their inner waters. They are the only sign that can scale both earth and water. They have a mystical quality that brings them wisdom, creativity, and a gift at making things happen in the world.
They can be powerful manifesters. They often have an air of seriousness and maturity beyond their years.
When creating and building, it’s important for them to have alone time to think and just be. They thrive with structure, putting one foot in front of the other, laying one brick at a time. They have resilience, and perseverance. They have a strong head on their shoulders and can really accomplish what they set out for.
They just need to make sure they are putting their energy into scaling the right mountains.
For Leos, for example, they are such huge hearts. They are healers, playful, and naturally expressive. Leo writers may thrive playing with different mediums to get the ideas flowing. This could be painting, music, dance, theater, whatever is fun for them to do. Creating and sharing their work will be important. Leo’s aren’t meant to create in a vacuum.
How Astrological Guidance May Help Writers Reach Their Goals
Capricorns (to continue the example) need consistency, a sense of order and structure to what they are doing. By having a strong container they can thrive.
For Capricorn writers, I’d suggest they create a practice that’s regular and ongoing. This isn’t necessarily true for everyone. For example, Aires might need to move, be spontaneous, capture sparks of inspiration and ride the energy from there.
Capricorns have great power in building and working towards something over time.
Break down steps. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other. A little bit at a time really will help them reach an overall goal.
When they feel stuck, take a time out, but be active in that period. Journal, take inventory of the why and that they are tackling things from a place of alignment. When they want to jump to the next thing, this may be conditioning or impatience (it also may not be). Explore for yourself what feels true and trust your superpower is sustained effort overtime.
Overall, Capricorns know that hard work matters, that results come over time, that if their goal is worthy, they can sustain and build something that’s solid, worthwhile, and long standing.
On the other hand, Aquarians can be somewhat different from Capricorn in that they love breaking the rules, doing things differently, busting through tried and true methods, and creating something new for themselves. They are often the creative rebels and the community builders.
For Aquarius, making space to create a practice that is unique and different will be important to them. They need to play with ideas with others, and think way outside the box with what their creative work could look like. Their uniqueness and beautiful individuality is so important to maintain and they have such opportunity to create something that’s uniquely their own, but will help shape others and community.
Pop Astrology Isn’t the Same as the Real Thing
I say experiment and see how it feels for you. It also may not be your thing, and that’s perfectly fine too.
In my experience, I’ve seen it work for myself and clients in really beautiful ways.
For most of us, our first experience with astrology is through horoscopes or pop astrology—however this is designed to be vague and generic. I’ve definitely raised a suspicious eyebrow to these as well.
Also, those horoscopes may be way off because the horoscope for a Capricorn, for example, is often written for people with a Capricorn ascendant (different than our sun signs which is what we’re looking for). Most folks have their sun and ascendant in different signs.
Under the surface of memes and newspaper columns there is an archetypal language that’s been passed down from the ancestors. There’s a reason it’s stuck around for so long—it has the power to capture us in beautiful ways.
There’s a science to it. The system is amazingly complex.
If the ideas capture you, or pique some curiosity, I say experiment and see what you uncover. Put it to the test in your life.
I Use Astrology to help People See Themselves Clearly
I see astrology as a lens to look through, not the end all be all.
I’ve found it’s been an amazingly helpful tool for my own self-discovery and for my creative practice. It’s helped me hone in on what works for my highest expression, reclaim cast-off parts of myself, and attune to my own energetic make-up so I’m not burning myself out following someone else’s map.
I love to use astrology to help people see themselves clearly, potentially validate what they may already know to be true, but haven’t been able to quite find the words or the embodiment of, yet.
My work is to just be the guide to help the more whole, confident, expressive self to come forward.
The sun sign is just a way to scratch the surface. Together we’d look at your full chart and really dive into greater detail about your divine blueprint.
For example, we’d spend time looking at your Mercury, which is so important for writers. We’d look at who you jive best with, how to best share your work, and overall, how to best support yourself with practices that are in alignment and can really move the needle on your creative work and mojo.
Overall, if curious, there’s a reason. Trust the nudge. My hope is to hold a container and conversation that’s low pressure, empowering, and fun–as well as being rich and impactful.
Congratulations to Christine R.! She won Jackie’s free astrological reading. :O)
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With a background in counseling, depth psychology, and astrology, Jackie Johansen helps creatives see the power and beauty in their unique expression.
Using astrology as a lens, she’s all about cutting through our conditioning, working with our strengths, and creating from a deep place of purpose and alignment.
She lives in Northern California where she can often be found studying the sky, cooking colorful vegan meals, and happily snuggled-in with her nose in a book. You can find Jackie (and get her free moon guide for creatives) at, or connect with her on Instagram.
Very interesting. Knowing ways you are born to work and succeed would be helpful in creating and in making the right decisions at the right time.
I sure could use a reading… 🙂
It’s really not that different from Myers-Briggs-type profiles, is it? Fascinating.
Fascinating post! I only know the basics of my own sign, Libra, but I am about trying to find balance and that includes in my writing life. Though it’s difficult these days with the lockdown. Hope you are all safe and well.