20 Ways You Can Celebrate National Author’s Day

Did you know that November 1st is National Author’s Day?

How cool is this? We authors get a special day to ourselves!

We have to take advantage of it. Below you’ll find 20 ways to celebrate this unique occasion. Have fun!

Where Did Authors’ Day Come From?

Nellie Verne Burt McPherson was a member of the Illinois Women’s Club in 1928 when she wrote a letter to writer Irving Bacheller to express her appreciation for his short story, “Eben Holden’s Last Day A’Fishin.”

Mr. Bacheller, in return, sent Ms. McPherson an autographed copy of another of his stories. She was so touched by his kindness that she lobbied the General Federation of Women’s Clubs to dedicate a day to honor American authors.

It took time, but in 1949, the United States Department of Commerce officially made November 1st Authors’ Day, and it’s been celebrated every year since.

20 Ways to Celebrate National Authors’ Day

1. Encourage a fellow author.

I put this one first as I think it’s the most important. We authors need each other! And we’re stronger together than we are on our own.

Reach out to one or more of your author friends and connections and give them a little support. Send them a few encouraging words, a funny author-related video or joke, or give them a review on one of their works. Not only will it brighten their day, but it will make you feel good too.

2. Buy a new book by one of your favorite authors.

There are a lot of ways to get a book. You can borrow it from a friend, get it on loan from the library, or pick it up at a discounted price from a used bookstore.

Unfortunately, none of those three options gives the author any income, and as most of you reading this know, writers often struggle to make money from their work. If you can afford it, use this day as an excuse to buy a new copy of an author’s work. The writer will only get a small percentage of it, but that’s better than nothing by a long shot.

3. Try a brand new author.

I love discovering new authors. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy being part of a book club. Other members suggest books I would never think of reading, and in the process, my literary world expands.

In honor or Authors’ Day, try a book by an author you’ve never heard of. You may just discover a new favorite.

4. Share a favorite book with a friend.

When you share a book, you do the author a favor. If the other person likes the book, he or she may buy another from that author, and voila, you’ve helped create a new fan.

Better yet—buy a new book for someone else as a gift.

5. Offer to be a beta reader.

Most authors need beta readers but they are reluctant to ask because they know the time involved. If you love to read and think you would enjoy that author’s work, drop them a line and tell them: “Next time you need a beta reader, ask me!”

You’ll get a chance to read a story for free and offer your input, and the author will get some much-needed feedback on an early draft. It’s a win-win for everyone!

6. Share your latest helpful tip.

Authors can help other authors by sharing what works. If you tried a new marketing technique and experienced good results, share it with your author buddies. If you found a new app that helps you get more work done more quickly, tell your writing friends.

Take a course that made a difference in your writing life? Spread the word! We’re all looking for new ideas to improve our author businesses.

7. Send a thank-you letter.

Authors love hearing from readers. For many, it’s the most rewarding part of the job.

You can make an author’s day by sending her a thank-you note expressing how much you enjoyed her book.

Most authors have their contact information either in the back of the book or on their websites.

8. Leave a good book review.

Authors need reviews! Yes, it takes time, which is why many readers never leave one, but you can be the exception. Help an author out by leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or any of the other bookselling sites.

9. Read a book with your partner and/or kids.

Whether it’s just the two of you or you and the kids, reading a book together can be a fun bonding activity. Choose one that you all agree looks interesting, then spend some time each night reading it aloud.

Take turns, giving each person a chance to read. For more fun, make time at the close of each reading session to discuss what happened and what everyone thinks about it.

10. Share a book on social media.

Did you just read a book that you liked? Shout about it on social media. Post a picture of the book cover, add the title, and say a few words about what you thought. Tag the author and send it out. You’ll be giving the author a nice surprise while giving your followers a chance to discover a great story.

11. Start writing your book.

What better way to celebrate authors’ day than to start writing that book you’ve been wanting to write?

Mark the occasion with a special meal or beverage, then dive in.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just get started. Once you get a few words down, the rest are likely to flow more easily.

12. Invite some writer friends out for lunch or dinner.

Writers rarely get to celebrate their accomplishments. Most would be thrilled to have the opportunity to do so with other writers. If you have a writing group, invite them all to get together and celebrate in a fun way.

Go out to lunch or dinner, set up an online chat, or decide to gather to read from each other’s best work. The important thing is to have fun!

13. Treat yourself to an afternoon or evening out.

If you’re an author, use National Authors’ Day as an occasion to treat yourself. Go out and pamper yourself a little, take a half-day off work, or sign yourself up for a writing retreat. You’ve been working hard and you deserve it!

14. Read.

This year (2020), National Authors’ Day just happens to land on a Sunday. How perfect!

Most of us don’t get to read as much as we’d like. There just isn’t time. On November 1st, set the day aside as a day of reading.

Get your family involved, and agree that for at least one hour that day, you’ll all grab a book and read quietly. No distractions. You may find it so enjoyable that you decide to implement the same reading time every week.

15. By an indie book.

We authors know how tough it is out there, yet when it comes to buying books, we often do the same as everyone else—we buy from well-known authors and those who have hit the New York Times’ best-sellers list.

There are just as many amazing indie books published that never reach that level of notoriety. On National Authors’ Day, honor an indie author by giving his or her book a try.

16. Blog about your favorite books.

If you’re a blogger, there are several different ways you can use your blog to celebrate National Authors’ Day.

Post a list of the best books you’ve read this year. Share an extended book review. Gather a collection of quotes from your favorite authors, and include links to their books and/or websites. Use your imagination to determine how you can best honor authors in your specific niche.

17. Research an author you admire.

Have you read several books by one author? If so, you may benefit from learning more about her.

See what other books she’s written. Read and watch interviews with her if they are available. Find out more about her life and work. Your research will not only help deepen your understanding of her work, but it may also help you to learn more about writing yourself.

18. Commit a favorite passage to memory.

We don’t memorize things as much today as we used to decades ago. Memorization is good for your brain. It challenges you, exercises your mental processes, and improves your brain’s ability to learn new things.

Plus how fun it is to quote your favorite author in mixed company? Find a passage or two that touches you and commit it to memory. Remind yourself of the lines every few days in the coming weeks.

19. Add something “authorly” to your writing nook.

How about a book lamp, a writer’s coffee mug, or a bust of Mark Twain? Have fun sprucing up your writing nook with something new on Authors’ Day. There are a lot of fun things out there to choose from. Your selections will not only brighten up your writing space but may also help you more firmly grasp your own writer’s identity.

20. Take another step toward your author dreams.

What do you want to accomplish as an author? Do you want to publish a book, establish a group of dedicated readers, or expand your services? Whatever it is, take the first step toward that dream today. Then next year, on Author’s Day, check back to see how far you’ve come.

How will you celebrate National Author’s Day?

Featured image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.


    1. Author

      Thanks, Luccia! Have fun. :O)

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