stretched too thin

5 Signs You’re Spreading Yourself Too Thin as a Writer

Are you spreading yourself too thin?

It’s easy to do as a writer. We have so many things going on!

If you’ve been at it for a while, you’ve probably gotten used to it on some level. You’re regularly writing, editing, proofreading, submitting, and potentially blogging, creating graphics, posting to social media, guest posting, pitching podcasts, scheduling book signings, submitting to contests, and more to support your work.

The demands to produce and produce some more are high. And that’s just for the writing part of your life—not counting everything else you have to do.

You may feel you have to keep up the frantic pace just to tread water in this business, but the problem with that is it can lead to burnout.

How can you tell if you’re just doing what you need to do as a writer, or if you’re wandering into the danger zone of doing too much—so much that you could be harming not only your health and well-being but your ability to find joy in writing?

There are five clear signs that you need to back off a little bit and take care of yourself. If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to take action.

Sign You’re Spreading Yourself Too Thin 1: You’re Irritable

Those editors don’t know what they’re talking about. Stupid contest judges should have chosen your story. The publishing market is ridiculous. How are you supposed to succeed?

If you find yourself complaining more often than usual—or feeling irritated when you’re working on something writing-related—that could be a sign that you’re spread too thin.

Irritability arises from fatigue. You haven’t had a chance to truly rest and recover. It can also be a side-effect of resentment—you resent having to drive yourself so hard.

Action Step: Take a day off as soon as you can. Allow yourself to simply rest in a way that best restores you. That could include a trip to the park or nearby river or lake or a day when you allow yourself several naps. Permit yourself to indulge your inner desire for an empty to-do list!

2: You’re More Easily Distracted

We all fall victim to distraction these days. There’s so much to distract us! But if you find it harder than usual to concentrate when you’re writing or doing anything that requires focused effort, you’re likely spreading yourself too thin.

It takes brainpower and willpower to concentrate. Not only do you need to focus on what you’re doing, but you need to be able to block out everything else. If you’re tired, run-down, or overwhelmed, your brain is going to have a harder time focusing on anything for long.

Action Step: Unplug, rest, and recover. Then help yourself concentrate by making sure you’re getting enough sleep and exercising daily. Turn off all distractions before you write so that you’re brain doesn’t have to block other things out.

Sign You’re Spreading Yourself Too Thin 3: Your Writing is Subpar

It’s common for writers to think that their work is crap. This often happens in the middle of whatever story you’re working on.

But there’s crap and then there’s crap. If you feel like you’re banging your head against the wall and can’t write a scene to save you, that’s a good sign that you’re skating on the edge of burnout.

Action Step: Do something that inspires you creatively. Spend the day at an art museum, head out to a movie or music concert, take a walk somewhere colorful and stimulating, or engage in a hobby that uses a different form of your creativity. Allow your inner child to come out and play.

4: Self-Doubt is Ever Present

Self-doubt tends to come and go in a writer’s life. Sometimes it’s there wearing you down, and other times you feel more confident.

If you’re spread too thin, though, it’s common for self-doubt to move in and stay for a longer period than usual. You may find yourself seriously doubting your abilities as a writer, or second-guessing your career path. You start to think about quitting writing or doing something entirely different with your life.

Action Step: All writers go through periods where they wonder if writing is for them. Embrace this period—don’t fear it. Take your time to be realistic about what writing can and cannot give you in your life, and ask yourself if you love it enough to keep going. (Check out Your Writing Matters for more help on this.)

Sign You’re Spreading Yourself Too Thin 5: You’re Anxious All the Time

Anxiety isn’t unusual in the writing life, particularly before a book launch or when you’re submitting new work to editors and/or agents.

But typically, anxiety comes and goes. If you’re suffering from a more lasting, constant anxiety related to your writing life, that’s a sign you’re spreading yourself too thin.

Symptoms include a generalized sense of anxiety that follows you around day after day, muscle tension, difficulty breathing deeply, and constant worries about anything and everything related to writing.

Action Step: Choose an anxiety-reducing activity that you can do daily. Good options include journaling about your feelings, yoga and/or tai chi, meditation, long walks, and talking to someone (including a therapist if you like). It may also help to tell yourself to “let go” of any outcomes related to your efforts.

Writing guru Steven Pressfield noted, “Krishna instructed Arjuna: ‘We have a right to our labor, but not to the fruits of our labor.’ What did he mean by that? He meant that the process is its own reward. The only real reward.”