Through conversations with other writers over the years, it’s become clear that issues including fear of rejection, occasional self-doubt and writer’s block simply come with the territory for novelists. I’ve experienced all of that, but for me, the biggest emotional challenge to writing on a regular basis is struggling toContinue Reading

I would say my biggest challenge is being low income, as a result of writing even though my novels don’t generate enough income to justify the time/energy investment. Self-promotion is also a big emotional challenge. My low income status (very small social security check) is a threat to my abilityContinue Reading

I don’t think there’s been a day where I haven’t felt overwhelmed since I started writing. I think this is largely because I struggle with a number of emotional challenges that all pile on top of each other. There’s the self-doubt that what I’m writing is any good. Flagging motivationContinue Reading

My first book was published almost five years ago, and my biggest emotional challenge is the same today as it was when I started writing seriously: the nagging feeling that I’m not working hard enough. That I’m not working as hard as other authors. I’m not sure that the feelingContinue Reading