My 10-Year Struggle to Get My Story Published

by Sara Secora

When I started writing the first book, Throne of Lies,
it began in 2007 when I was only seventeen.

I was an introvert homebody with a love for nerd culture like video games and books. This fascination led me toward writing my own story about another girl who also just so happened to be seventeen—only her story was a lot more exciting than my real life was.

I Grew Up with the Characters Inhabiting My Fictional World

The pursuit was not clear at first. I did not set out to become a prolific writer, nor did I even consider publishing my story once I finished it. It was only a hobby I did in my off time throughout many uncertain years.

There were even years between that my story went untouched. However, the story, and more importantly, the characters, were never far from my mind. In a way, I grew into my adulthood along with the characters inhabiting the world of Vataenya.

The story underwent heaps changes between 2007 and 2016, the year I published. Although interestingly, one of the few things that remained as they were throughout the years was the name of the protagonist—Amethysta Serelle.

Her name was a key element to her character that I didn’t want to lose as it was something that my seventeen-year-old self would have wanted to stay. So, I honored that choice always, and it even helped me with naming my series, which I called The Amethysta Trilogy.

I Never Considered All the Pieces Needed for Creating an Actual Physical Book

In the beginning my true struggle was being consistent.

When I had no intentions of publishing, I found writing wasn’t hinged to any sort of stress. However, in 2014 when I began the journey toward becoming an author, I quickly learned about the many challenges they face.

I had no guide or mentor. I had to learn the harsh lesson alone that writing itself was not the only obstacle.

I felt so discouraged when I discovered the debt that publishing would bring onto my shoulders as I scouted the internet for the editors, designers, and other talented people that were required in the making of a polished book.

I had never considered all the pieces and stages that were needed for the process of creating an actual physical book for shelves.

I was drowning in the stress. I had moments of extreme self-doubt and fear as I sunk deeper into debt for something that was not promised.

I gambled with my dream. I severely questioned each step I took after that. There were many tear-filled nights that followed.

Sometimes Walking Away is the Right Fix

Sometimes I needed those down moments to remember why I was doing it to begin with.

While venting on the phone with a friend or while battling with my own thoughts internally, I would often rediscover why writing that story was important to me. That urge I had to create something so vivid from nothing at all—that urge would sometimes get lost within all the chaos.

So whenever I found it again, I would keep going even if I had to crawl for a while. I had to keep going.

Each stumble was different, and I would have to face those doubts separately. My cure was often relaxing with a book, a video game, a friend, or just taking time away to clear my thoughts in a healthy manner.

Being frustrated or upset doesn’t help anyone further their agenda. Sometimes walking away and taking a breath really is the right fix.

I Worried I Wasn’t Good Enough to Write

However, my biggest and most consistent doubt was always “the imposter syndrome.”

I worried that I wasn’t good enough to write and that all the effort and money put into my silly dream would be for nothing.

It wasn’t until my first editor, the first person to ever read my manuscript in full, told me her thoughts on my work. Her enthusiasm and optimism about my story were enough for me to finish what I had started. (Thank you, Kirsten)

When I Got My Proof Copy, I Cried, Danced, and Laughed

My biggest triumph was the day I held my book in my hands for the first time.

It was August 2nd, 2016 when my proof copy was delivered to me. I was so overthrown with emotion that I cried and danced and laughed.

In fact, I was so excited that I released my book the same day. I couldn’t wait a moment more after spending nine years with that book hidden in a file on my computer.

I was beyond ready for it to be released out into the world. I felt proud of myself in a way I never had. I took this small idea and turned it into a flourishing world for others to explore.

How Writing My Series Changed Me for the Better

Writing Throne of Lies did change me for the better. I became more confident in myself and learned how strong I was.

Writing for me has always been a great exercise in discipline. To manage oneself effectively for such a wide span of time while also attending other responsibilities is not an easy task, and I believe its one of the leading reasons some writers quit.

I am still honing that skill and will continue to do so.

With more stories on my horizon, I now feel equipped to take them on. I know more about the art of storytelling, the process of creating a book from start to finish, and how to execute each stage without feeling overwhelmed.

When I Write I Lose Myself

I wouldn’t say writing is a spiritual practice; however, I would say it has been therapeutic for me. I do often subconsciously leak my essence or life into my stories.

I’ve also taken real life struggles and manifested them into my work to add more realism flare to my characters.

When I write I disconnect from myself and my worries by planting myself into the shoes of those I am writing about. At my deepest point of writing I lose sense of myself, although I feel that is good for me from time to time.

It has helped me write better and feel better as a result.

I Want to Show Young People that Breaking Molds is Sometimes Necessary

The Amethysta Trilogy is not just another tale about a princess with the world at her fingertips. She struggles like a teenager would in a world filled with segregation, intolerance, and outdated political views.

The edge of mystery that surrounds her is only the hook. The true grit to the story is her personal growth into herself as she becomes a woman.

I want to show young girls (and boys) that breaking molds is sometimes the necessary action. That being true to yourself will always heed the best outcome.

Advice for a Young Writer: Remember Why You Want to Be a Writer

I would say read a lot.

Take notes about what you want to write and find your place as a writer before the stress unfolds.

Enjoy the process of discovering your story. Understand the undertaking you’re working toward and take it a step at a time. Each day write, you can always edit later.

Remember why it is you want to be a writer, and why you want that story in the hands of other readers. Always remember that reason.

Note: Read Sara’s previous feature on Writing and Wellness here.

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Sara Secora wears many creative hats, all of which are brimming with imagination and passion within her repertoire of talents and ventures. Whether wielding a pencil or microphone, she expresses herself through the power of words each day and into the night.

You can find her in the heart of Detroit, Michigan, working as a full-time voice actress, while continuing to write whimsical stories full of enchantment, mystique, and insight—destined to intrigue readers of any age.

For more information on Sara and her work, please see her website or connect with her on Twitter and Instagram.

Throne of Lies: For seventeen-year-old princess Amethysta Serelle, the royal life is anything but enchanting.

She finds herself forever torn between duty and desire—desperately craving freedom, yet bound by the burden of her bloodline. With the realm of Vataenya divided by intolerance, and stained by a veiled and violent past, none take kindly to those who are different. For Amethysta’s sake, her mother must conceal her daughter’s mystifying secret from all—including from Amethysta herself.

Once driven to her wit’s end, Amethysta sets out on an unrelenting search for answers that will leave her teetering on the very edge of anguish and strife. With each harrowing turn, Amethysta encounters devastating loss, uncovers the mortifying unknown, and comes face to face with the calamitous heartache that awaits her.

All the while, an enigmatic blue glow sleeps below the surface, ready to unfold a world of chaos.

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.