Severe Burn Survivor Encourages Others to Never Give Up

by Jeff Kuhn

The events in Blue Sky Lightening took place 25 to 30 years ago.

Many friends told me I should write a book about my two near-death experiences and the battle it took to regain full health.

This was 25 years ago, and I was only 35 years old. I was anxious to get on with my new, “normal” life, so I really had no interest in reliving the difficult five and one-half year period.

I also told them: “Who is going to want to read my story?”

I was perfectly fine mentally and physically, but I didn’t think there would be any interest in my odyssey.

When I Realized My Story Could Help Other People

Fast forward 25 years: My son is about to head off to college this fall, and I have been thinking about what I could do next for a career.

I was very interested in helping other people, and then I suddenly realized my story could be very helpful to all those who are facing adversity in their lives.

I wrote an article about my story which I published on LinkedIn about 15 months ago to see if there was any interest in my experiences.

Well, over 1,000 people read the 5-page article, and I received a great deal of positive feedback. I then realized there was a market for my book, so I found a publisher and Blue Sky Lightning: How To Survive And Thrive When Life Blindsides You was released on December 11, 2018.

I Hoped My Book Would Lead to a Speaking Career

I thought writing a book would be the best way to reach lots of people. The more people that read the book, the more people I can potentially help.

The other major reason I wrote the book was to hopefully launch a motivational speaking career. My book could help many people, but hearing my story in a presentation was another way to get the message out.

I Learned Just How Hard It Is to Write a Good Book

It took about eleven months to complete the book, and I learned just how hard it is to write a good book!

Because the purpose of my book was to help other people, I never had any doubts that I was doing the right thing. I actually enjoyed writing the book, because it gave me the opportunity to remember all the great people I met along the way.

The book was also an excellent way to say “Thank You” to the hundreds of people who contributed to my recoveries.

Not many people knew I was writing a book, but my wife was very encouraging, and she gave me many great ideas to incorporate in the book.

When Your Marketing Budget is Small, Spend Wisely

The book has been out about three months, and I have received dozens of very positive reviews of my work.

My world hasn’t changed much yet, but I hope the book will continue to sell well, and I still want to become a motivational speaker. My marketing budget is very small (I’m not a wealthy person!), so I have to spend what little money I have very wisely.

I never thought I would be a bestselling author, so that was a big surprise. Let me be honest: Amazon has dozens of book categories, and I did reach #1 in three categories, but I am not a bestselling author in the sense most people would assume. I’m doing well, but I’m no Oprah Winfrey!

I Don’t Want Anyone to Give Up

Assuming you’re comfortable talking about your experience, I would encourage you to tell your story. You don’t necessarily have to write a book. You could write an article, start a blog, etc.

Helping others makes me happy, so telling your story could do the same for you – and you’ll improve someone else’s life.

I don’t want anyone to give up. As long as your chance of success is greater than zero, you can succeed. We all face adversity in our lives, and I hope my story will encourage readers to never give up.

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Jeff Kuhn has a degree in Economics from Dartmouth College and two Masters degrees. He earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a Master of Real Estate Development degree from the University of Southern California (USC).

Jeff is married and has one son who is eighteen years old. Jeff was born and raised in Winnetka, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago), attended New Trier High School and is a big Chicago Cubs fan. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California with his wife, son and three adopted dogs.

For more information on Jeff and his work, please see his website, or connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Blue Sky Lightening: Jeff Kuhn survived the unthinkable: burns over 80 percent of his body and a rare neuromuscular disease.

Despite it all, Jeff found the courage to keep moving on. In Blue Sky Lightning, he shares both his unbelievable journey through trauma and what those experiences taught him. You are not alone. Your mental fortitude is stronger than you think. Small victories make huge differences. Unconditional love lives in unexpected places (sometimes, even in non-human hearts). And, as long as the odds are not zero, you can win.

Blue Sky Lightning is a beacon of hope for the hopeless, a call to share your own inspiring story, and proof that anyone can overcome even the most dire catastrophes.

Available on Amazon.