Worried about Wellness? Focus on Improving Writer’s Habits

by Kris Maze

Worried about your Writer Wellness?

We can improve our writing productivity if we focus on improving our Writer Habits. It’s a pleasure to share the importance of balancing your writer life and not to neglect mojo-giving resources of exercise, proper nutrition, and sleep.

One of the biggest challenges in sustaining a writing career is to keep our bodies and minds in tip-top shape. This enables us to write with the fervor and energy that our writing deserves.

I have written posts for Writers in the Storm on the subject with specific methods of maintaining writer wellness here:

My reflection today is a little different. This post is an examination of my own failures to do these very things!

What Bad Habits Do to Me

Bad habits led me to stress and scattered writing efforts. As I write today, I am a living example of what not to do:

  • walking like an octogenarian with back issues, which I could have avoided
  • scheduling overdue doctor appointments and reevaluated my methods for reducing headaches
  • looking into my fridge and finding fourteen versions of leftover pizza
  • hearing a report from my wrist health tracker that I have been, in its eyes, underachieving

Hard as we try it’s easy to veer off the wellness path.

See the following tips I’ve learned from almost derailing my writing. Perhaps you can commiserate with me or find support as I turn toward healthy ways of living once again!

Healthy people with no issues can skip past the next three points and meet us at the bottom.

Use Your Time Wisely

One of the most difficult but rewarding activities in writing is scheduling.

A necessary evil to most creative folks, carving out time for activities is of utmost importance. I tend to hit the grindstone and keep working until I’m exhausted.

It is what creative sorts do, what parents do, what working people with writing aspirations do. The danger when I don’t set limits on my time is burnout. We have deadlines and word counts to attend to, but moderation can deliver us to the finish line with less stress.

This post is to encourage you, dear writer, and if you struggle with time management, you are not alone!

How I schedule my writing time:

  1. I keep a purse-sized paper planner near my computer. Each week I record my goals and tasks to accomplish on Sunday. As the week progresses, I check off items on my list. Adding word counts to individual days encourages me as I see what I’ve completed.
  2. My family calendar also includes meetings and conference calls. Any non-negotiable time away is blocked off, so I am less likely to get interrupted or have to cancel due to ‘family emergencies.’
  3. When I write I use the Pomodoro method and a timer to get me into a writer’s flow. The more creative work (writing drafts, for example) will be scheduled first thing in the morning when my home is quiet, and I have a fresh focus.

I have several ways to keep my writing schedule under control, but it may not be right for you. Find what works for your lifestyle, goals, and energy levels and honor the writer within you.

Listen To Your Body

Thank you quarantine for this one! Quickly during lock-down I realized that to keep my back and neck in shape I needed to exercise.

In January I signed up for a Virtual Run through an app, Zombies Run. The phone app that motivated me with engaging story lines previously now gave me the creeps. After March, being chased by disease infected dead people didn’t help me focus on my writing, even though I will most likely try again in the future.

Although I no longer desired to run with zombies, I still wanted to get fresh air, to recharge my creativity, and to exercise my dog. It was necessary for me to abandon the Virtual Run, but I adapted it and made a personal goal to train by walking my dog the same distances. See a short video of my pup Charlie on one of our walks through the Pacific Northwest here.

Another activity I try to do daily is a yoga stretch video. There are many to choose from at all experience levels on YouTube and other streaming services. Some have scheduled live classes offered as well and are worth a quick internet search. Walking and yoga are the calming habits that enabled me to write more.

Eating healthy came more naturally with the exercise. I took some cooking duties off my plate by involving other household members to prep and clean up. Eating healthier snacks kept me feeling at my peak and kept me from feeling as sluggish. Delegating the meal planning afforded me with more time to focus on writing.

Snack Tips: One of my downfalls is craving a crunchy, salty snack while writing. It was harder to write without the snack, so I began making lightly buttered home popped popcorn. Another snack I use, better than potato chips, is cucumber slices lightly salted. Guilt free and hydration all in one tasty snack!

Feed Your Creativity.

Mediate. Pray. Twist into Eagle Arms. Stare at Jellyfish. Do whatever it takes to get you into your flow. I recommend setting a timer to prompt you to try writing again.

True Story: Late at night, I used to watch surfing competitions with the sound off when I needed my mind to unwind and write. As I followed the seal-dressed dudes and dudettes, my imagination would unlock. The motion of waves was soothing and washed out other distractions. Pen to paper, I would begin where I left off the night before and add to my word count.

Where you write also affects your writing. See fellow Writer in the Storm contributor’s post on how to arrange your writing space to optimize your writer flow here. Perhaps adding a little Feng Shui to your life can bring your writing into better focus!

How do you unwind and call upon the muse? Do you have a favorite snack idea to share or exercise tips that worked for you? I’d love to hear from you and welcome your comments below.

All the best and Keep Writing Strong!

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Kris Maze is an author, freelance writer, and teacher. She enjoys writing twisty, speculative fiction with character driven plots. After years of reading classic literature, mysteries, and thrillers, she sought to write and publish her own books. She also writes for various publications including a regular post at the award winning Writers in the Storm blog.

When she isn’t spending time with her favorite people and pets, Kris is taking pictures, hiking, or pondering the wisdom of Bob Ross.

For more information on Kris and her work, please see her website, or connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.