The inner voice has one arch enemy: money. At least for many, it seems to be so. We’d love to follow where the inner voice is prodding us to go, but there’s no way right now. No way we can get the time or money to do it. The problemContinue Reading

Part of taking responsibility for our own lives involves figuring out where and how we get in the way of our own progress. Seeing ourselves objectively, however, is something most of us find extremely difficult. We can go on about all the missteps of those around us—how a sister drinksContinue Reading

In the throes of an Idaho winter, on Superbowl weekend, I learned that I was expected to watch the game. I was asked by friends, family, and co-workers what my plans were for “Superbowl” weekend. While grocery shopping I was surrounded by families picking up goodies for the great event,Continue Reading