I finally got a chance to see the movie 127 Hours a couple weeks ago. After all the accolades I was looking forward to finally getting a chance to share in what everyone was talking about—the amazing story of this young man who cut off his own arm to surviveContinue Reading

I watched Bradley Cooper’s new movie, Limitless, this week. The main character Eddy gets ahold of a new drug that helps him “access” more of his brain, which makes him smarter. A lot smarter. This gives him many advantages, including the edge at his job and a second chance withContinue Reading

Sometimes the inner voice makes itself heard very clearly. People that instinctively know from an early age what they are destined to do—like Mozart, for instance—have no trouble hearing what it has to say and following its direction. Most of us, though, spend so much time tending to the everydayContinue Reading