I think the overall ups and downs in this industry can be quite stressful, depressing and discouraging. One day you will get a 5-star glowing review and the next you get a 1-star negative review and its hard to realize that you can’t please everyone. I have definitely taken negative feedbackContinue Reading

I love my family and my life too much to waste it closeted away over an unfinished manuscript, isolated and border-line insane, with my stomach tied in knots over self-imposed deadlines. Seriously. If the actual writing of a book isn’t taxing enough, the burden of editing, re-writing, re-editing, gathering reviews,Continue Reading

I have to admit that I’m pretty lucky when it comes to the physically challenging side of writing. I often hear of fellow writers struggling with high blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, insomnia, and the numerous other ailments that seem to come along with our trade. Occasionally, my back getsContinue Reading