Welcome to the Writing and Wellness annual “writing quotes” round-up! Below you’ll find the best quotes from the authors featured on the site this year. This is the ninth year I’ve put these together. They’ve all been popular posts and I love how they capture certain overarching themes in theContinue Reading

Writing Fears

Do you regularly experience writing fears? You know, like fear of failure, rejection, writer’s block, not being good enough, etc. If so, congratulations! You’re perfectly normal. But during this Halloween season, let me warn you—your writing fears will prevent you from reaching your goals if you let them. They’ll distractContinue Reading


Welcome to the Writing and Wellness annual “writing quotes” round-up! Below you’ll find the best quotes from the authors featured on the site this year. This is the eighth year I’ve put these together. They’ve all been popular posts and I love how they capture certain overarching themes in theContinue Reading