Whether you’re piecing together your debut novel, crafting poignant poetry, or just searching for the spark to ignite your writing passion, the right writing retreats can make all the difference. Imagine a place where your daily distractions are swapped for serene landscapes, inspiring workshops, and the camaraderie of fellow writers.Continue Reading

Below are listed several of Colleen’s past author interviews and podcast appearances. Stop Chasing a Checklist: Time Management Secrets Lifestyle with Liana Tan You’re setting goals, but wondering how to get the time to achieve them. Author and speaker, Colleen Story, helps us understand the different “time personalities,” how theyContinue Reading

Novel writing is an emotional rollercoaster. It begins with feeling overwhelmed. There is nothing as intimidating as a blank page. Then there is the feeling of excitement when ideas begin to flow. Then you feel the satisfaction of creating a world from scratch. Then there’s frustration when you’re hit withContinue Reading