My life has always included physical activity. Main sports included golfing, swimming, running 10Ks, and playing softball. I learned in my youth the value of stretching to prepare muscles for these activities, and to avoid injury. Sure writing is sedentary, but it doesn’t cause physical problems for me because ofContinue Reading

Biggest physical challenge of being a writer? Not plowing my way through a bag of chocolate when I’m writing. Wow, that’s hard. I don’t feel like I have any trouble getting exercise (my horse keeps me active), but when it comes to emotional eating… Writing is an incredibly emotional thing,Continue Reading

Being sedentary for so long [is the biggest physical challenge of being a writer]. Not getting enough exercise. And posture/eyesight—it’s so easy for me to forget re-adjusting them every so often. I’m in the process of trying to lose weight that I gained the last several years. So the “sedentary”Continue Reading

  I should probably start with a disclaimer. I’m a dad to two-year old identical twin boys and that has completely changed the way I write. And many other things too, of course. Balancing Fatherhood with Writing Before they came along, I’d have probably said backache or a little RSIContinue Reading