How can you improve your writing life? After over 20 years as a full-time professional writer, I’ve learned some things about that. Whether you’re writing part- or full-time; fiction, nonfiction, or freelance; it doesn’t matter—the bottom line is you’re spending a lot of time using your creative brain, as wellContinue Reading

For me, the biggest emotional challenge of being a writer is allowing myself to be vulnerable. Fiction writing is an introspective experience. The characters and their journeys exist in a deep, private part of me. Yes, they’re entirely fiction, and yet they feel completely real. I experience their emotions whileContinue Reading

Do you find that you hate your writing lately? You look back over those pages full of the words you’ve written and become overwhelmed with the urge to light a huge bonfire. “Twenty thousand words and a good handful of chapters in,” says author J. M. Frey, “and I hatedContinue Reading