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Trying to become a good writer is hard enough.

Trying to build a writing life that feels balanced, rewarding, and fulfilling is an entirely new level of difficult.

If you don’t know how to navigate this journey…

Self-doubt will stop you.

Back pain, hip pain, wrist pain and fatigue will slow you down.

Discouragement will be your permanent companion.

Success will seem forever out of reach.

You’ll burn out and quit.

You’ll never make your writing dreams come true.

And that will lead you to feel like a failure.

I don’t want that for you.

Grow a Writing Life You Love!

Writing and Wellness has the resources you need to become a happy, confident, creatively fulfilled writer. Explore the site for help with productivity, time management, creativity, mental and physical wellness, and more!

Step 1: Establish a productive, consistent writing practice.

Make real progress!

Overcome procrastination and learn how to fit writing into your busy life.

Step 2: Discover your unique writing and marketing niche.

How to stand out?

Find a unique way to market yourself and your work to the world.

Step 3: Find out if writing is right for your life.

Make the decision!

Decide once and for all if writing is part of your life’s purpose. Never look back.

I want to help you!

I’m Colleen M. Story, novelist, freelance writer, writing coach, and speaker living in the great Northwest. I have published 7 award-winning books so far—4 novels and 3 nonfiction books for writers.

But things weren’t always so great.

It took me over 15 years to get my first traditional publishing contract. During that time, I struggled with self-doubt, discouragement, and uncertainty. Meanwhile, because I was spending so many hours at the computer, I injured myself and struggled with back pain so severe I had to do my freelance work on the floor for two months.

I know what it’s like to want the writing dream so bad you can taste it, but to feel like you’ll never get there.

That’s why I created Writing and Wellness—to help others manage the journey better than I did. Join our list of subscribers now to gain access to free information and inspiration that will help you grow a vibrant and rewarding writing life. You’ll also have the option to take advantage of writing coaching, manuscript assessments, and more to elevate your career.

Isn’t it time you felt motivated and hopeful about where you’re going? I’d be happy to help.


Get your free progress check today!


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Colleen motivates and inspires writers and other creatives.

Keynote | Writing Conferences | Workshops
Topics include: boosting productivity, overcoming self-doubt, taking risks, defining your niche, finishing your project, and more!