The Simple Wellness Technique Writers Can Do Anywhere

by Karen Ferguson

We writers come from all walks of life: different personalities, backgrounds, interests, genres, writing habits, goals, and the like. But there is ONE thing that connects us all:

We sit too much.

If this doesn’t ring true for you, then congratulations! You’re doing better than most at making your health and wellbeing a priority.

Writers Aren’t Designed to Sit for Eight Hours a Day

Sitting has been coined the “new smoking” in terms of health risk and is associated with a host of largely avoidable wellness issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and back pain. And unfortunately, an hour at the gym a couple days of the week won’t counterbalance its long-term effects.

Simply put, we were not designed to sit for eight hours a day.

Certainly, this is not only an issue for writers—our society as a whole is far too sedentary—but it’s kind of difficult to write that best-selling novel while moving, so it is something we writers must be intentional about.

As a writer and wellness specialist, I’m particularly mindful of the connection between movement and general health. I’ve seen firsthand the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and how at its worst it can strip people of their ability to move freely and live independently.

And being someone who comes from a family line with musculoskeletal issues, I’ve felt the intense pain that can result from an unbalanced lifestyle and too much time at the desk. Which is why I’m a huge proponent of a sit for 60 move for 3 practice for everyone.

But I’d like to touch on something so simple here, which can often be the missing element in not only improving our wellbeing but improving our creativity.


I call it the breathing-creativity connection.

Breathing is a Powerful Force for Health

You see, breathing is a known powerful force for health. Dr. Weil, an internationally recognized expert on integrative medicine and mind-body interactions said, “If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.”

Sounds almost too simple, doesn’t it? I mean we all know how to breathe and we do it every day.

The key is breathing deep enough and often enough.

Deep breathing allows your body to take in more oxygen on the inhale, flooding it with essential cleansing properties, and on the exhale, it activates the lymphatic system, ridding your body of the contaminants that can compromise your health.

The lymphatic system is directly linked to the health of our immune system. Unfortunately, it does not have a pump to initiate the disposal of toxins or the movement of infection-fighting white blood cells. Rather, it relies on deep breathing for activation.

Dr. Andrew D. Huberman, associate professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford says, “Breathwork can be thought of as an exercise in that, if done correctly, has immediate benefits—physical, emotional and cognitive—but breath work also has longer term benefits if you do it regularly.”

And the beauty of it is that it’s something immediately accessible that doesn’t cost a thing other than a little focus and time.

No need to wait to go to the gym to enjoy its benefits, just stop what you’re doing and take three deep breaths to relieve tension and reduce your stress levels. Something most of us writers could use when logging in long hours at the computer, stressing and straining to make our latest WIP just right. 🙂

How Deep Breathing Can Benefit a Writer’s Daily Life

Deep breathing is a powerful tool to cleanse our bodies, clear our minds, and enhance our creativity.

Here are just a few of the benefits you will find when incorporating deep breathing into your daily life:

  • Increased energy
  • Decreased muscle tension
  • Improved digestion
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved immunity
  • Increased motivation
  • Expanded awareness and enhanced focus – critical for creative thinking and problem solving

As we start 2020, chances are you have some incredible writing goals ahead of you, but to reach them you will need to spend quite a bit of time sitting at the computer.

Set yourself up for writing success, while protecting your health, and make breathwork a part of your daily life.

You will enhance your wellness AND your creativity, two super important elements for a healthy, successful, sustainable life as a writer.

Breathe deep and write well!

Use your breath to enhance your health and creativity! Download your free PDF: breathing exercises to detox your body.

* * *

Karen Ferguson, MBA, is the owner of Illuminate Communications, LLC offering affordable, top-quality writing and wellness services designed to help clients shine brightly in work and life.

A writer, personal trainer, and health coach, Karen’s passions lie with words and wellness. After overcoming a personal struggle with disease and an unbalanced lifestyle, Karen is now an enthusiastic advocate for wellness. Her company, Fit for Work and Life, provides tools for healthier living to people of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyle practices.

For more information on Karen and her work, please see her website, Amazon author page, and Udemy page, or connect with her on Twitter and Pinterest.

Breath of Life: No one is immune to the stresses of daily life. The unrelenting demands of work, home, finances, and relationships can be overwhelming and can have a serious effect on our health and well-being. If we let it. Yet, in the midst of all the chatter, chaos, and clutter, God’s still, small voice calls out to us to choose a better way. A way of peace and greater well-being.

Breath of Life is an insightful twenty-one-day devotional designed to appeal to the busy person. Join the journey, and discover a balanced, whole-being approach to wellness that is centered on the spirit-breathed Word of God.

Inspiring and practical, each daily devotional explores one of the seven dimensions of wellness that contribute to optimal well-being and presents a My Daily Breath section that includes one or more of the following:

•A song recommendation for inspiration
•A verse for meditation
•A question for reflection
•A tool for practical application

God’s promise of peace is available to us all. We only need to slow down, pursue Him, and breathe deep.

Available at Amazon.