~Writing Well Wednesday Tip~ Have you been avoiding eggs because of the cholesterol? You don’t have to anymore. That’s because recent scientific research has found that dietary cholesterol that we get from eggs does not increase risk of heart disease. And that’s great news, because eggs are very nutritious, andContinue Reading

by Cat Crawford The world of blogging has blown up over the last five years, with more and more people discovering how to use the platform to promote themselves, connect with others, and even start their own businesses. A large number of millennials now blog about their passions and backContinue Reading

I think the overall ups and downs in this industry can be quite stressful, depressing and discouraging. One day you will get a 5-star glowing review and the next you get a 1-star negative review and its hard to realize that you can’t please everyone. I have definitely taken negative feedbackContinue Reading