I’d say my biggest emotional challenge started for me after I wrote my first novel. I sat at my computer staring into the illuminated screen and said, “Now what?” At first, I hadn’t a clue about self-publishing or traditional publishing. I researched and tried to wrap my head around theContinue Reading

by Christian Klaver I’ve been writing the last 30 years and only recently managed to get a contract from a major publishing house, so it’s been a long, rocky road. In that time, in addition to a few modest successes and countless, countless rejections, I’ve been accepted to a major magazineContinue Reading

Writing Poetry

by Jennifer Brown Banks My initial exposure to poetry began at about age 12. Back then, teachers and school administrators chose me to participate in the “Gifted Student Program”–a program for advanced learners. Poetry was a weekly requirement, along with classes in creative writing. I fell in love at firstContinue Reading