by Gail Marlene Schwartz As a six-year-old, my parents forced me to see a therapist, Dr. Solky. I hated it and I hated him. When Dr. Solky would peek his head into the waiting room to call my name, my mother would literally drag me into his office kicking andContinue Reading

Writing Fears

Do you regularly experience writing fears? You know, like fear of failure, rejection, writer’s block, not being good enough, etc. If so, congratulations! You’re perfectly normal. But during this Halloween season, let me warn you—your writing fears will prevent you from reaching your goals if you let them. They’ll distractContinue Reading

Easily, the biggest emotional challenge of being a writer is the rejection. No one likes rejection, no matter the circumstance, but with creative arts such as writing, it is unavoidable and painfully frequent. It’s Hard Not to Take Rejections Personally Since falling back in to writing in 2014, I’ve queriedContinue Reading