I don’t think there’s been a day where I haven’t felt overwhelmed since I started writing. I think this is largely because I struggle with a number of emotional challenges that all pile on top of each other. There’s the self-doubt that what I’m writing is any good. Flagging motivationContinue Reading

Without a doubt, I would have to say self-doubt is my biggest emotional challenge. I constantly question my capabilities and accomplishments. Surely this isn’t good enough. Surely no one cares. Why would anyone pay to read MY stories? On the very first day I held the hard copy of myContinue Reading

Do you find that you hate your writing lately? You look back over those pages full of the words you’ve written and become overwhelmed with the urge to light a huge bonfire. “Twenty thousand words and a good handful of chapters in,” says author J. M. Frey, “and I hatedContinue Reading